Barack Obama and George Lopez Star in TBS

For the past few weeks, TBS has been putting the hard sell on its upcoming foray into Late Night TV, called Lopez Tonight, and starring George Lopez, famous comedian whose main focus is his Mexican-American heritage. (Not to be confused with Carlos Mencia, who is an unfunny, joke stealing pr*ck.) Even though the show is more than a month away, TBS has been airing nonstop promotions during its hour-long Seinfeld/Office/The Mummy 2 marathons.
But what makes these promotions Powerpoint Tire Screeching Sound Effects is that they star our very own American President, Barack Obama. That’s right: President Obama has now publicly endorsed George Lopez. Witness after the jump …

To be fair, Obama taped these spots before he actually won the election last year — you’ll note the barely visible “from the ‘08 campaign” in the bottom left-hand corner. But to the viewing public, this could not be worse publicity. Shouldn’t he be, you know… fixing that whole health care thing… or ending the war… instead of ENDORSING LOPEZ TONIGHT??? The above video might be the strongest piece of evidence Obama haters have to get people on their side.
