Alba Making Sure Honor Grows Up Bilingual

Jessica Alba is reconnecting with her Mexican heritage – and, with a new Spanish teacher, is making sure 19-month-old daughter Honor grows up appreciating her roots, too.

In the latest issue of Siempre Mujer magazine, Alba says she recently hired a Hispanic studies professor to teach her and Honor Spanish. The actress says she wants to help her daughter avoid the criticism she endured when she was 18 and her non-fluency in Spanish made headlines. "God knows that I wish I was raised bilingual," Alba says. "But it wasn't to be."

She also opened up about her pain from the media criticism, saying she "cried all night" over her portrayal in the press. "I tried to explain to [journalists] that in this country I'm considered Latina and, thus, I consider myself Latina as well," Alba, 28, says. "I identify with Mexicans. It's in my blood whether or not I speak Spanish."

When asked what she'd like to change about herself, Alba switched to a lighter note, wishing for fewer stretch marks – and the ability to "turn my brain off every once in a while. I'm too analytical."
