"Every day 25,000 children die from preventable causes. I stand with UNICEF inthe belief that we can change that number from 25,000 to zero," said SelenaGomez, UNICEF Ambassador. "I know we can achieve this because every moment,UNICEF is on the ground providing children with the lifesaving assistanceneeded to ensure zero becomes a reality."
This month, in her fist official field mission, Gomez will travel to Ghana towitness first-hand the stark conditions of vulnerable children that lack vitalnecessities including clean water, nourishment, education and healthcare. According to a UNICEF endorsed report released earlier this year, Ghana isranked 30 out of 195 countries with the highest mortality rates of childrenunder five. Gomez will also observe how UNICEF is working to address theseissues through its programming and local initiatives to ensure child survival.
"UNICEF Ambassadors have a wide range of talents and achievements, but theyall share a commitment to saving the lives of children worldwide," said CarylStern, President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. "We're very pleased tohave Selena join the UNICEF family, as a longtime supporter, she will continueto capture and engage an audience of millions of young people to help ensurethe health, education, equality and protection of every child."
Gomez is the youngest UNICEF Ambassador in the United States and joins adistinguished roster of beloved celebrities who have embraced UNICEF throughthe years, dating back to Danny Kaye and continuing today with stars such asJoel Madden, Dayle Haddon, Lucy Liu, Clay Aiken, Marcus Samuelsson, AlyssaMilano and Sarah Jessica Parker among others.
UNICEF has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarianorganization in the world. Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provideschildren with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergencyrelief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF's work throughfundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 25,000 children still die each day frompreventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that numberzero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
For more information, visit http://www.unicefusa.org/
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