CNN Mobilizing Latino voters

John McCain Not Doing as Well With Hispanic Voters, Abortion Views Will Help

Washington, DC ( -- New polling data shows John McCain is not faring as well with Hispanic voters as President Bush did in each of the last two elections. While Bush solidified his support with Hispanics with his evangelical outreach and focus on Hispanic concerns, McCain is trailing with the important voting group.
A new Pew Hispanic Center poll released on Thursday shows McCain getting the support of just 23 percent of Latinos.
That's less than half of the 56 percent President Bush received in 2004 and much smaller than the 44 percent Bush got in 2000.
The Pew poll shows just one-third of Protestant or evangelical Hispanics plan to vote for McCain while 59 percent are behind pro-abortion rival Barack Obama. McCain also trails Obama by 50 percentage points among Catholic Hispanics.
Cortes, who leads the Christian group Nueva Esperanza tells Politico the reason McCain is doing worse is because the Republican Party has alienated Hispanics over the immigration issue.

Latino groups unite to launch $5-million voter registration drive

Citing increased interest in national politics and the important issues facing immigrants and Latinos, nine organizations announce a nonpartisan effort to register up to 2 million new voters.

Buoyed by a surge of political interest among immigrants and youth, nine national Latino organizations Friday announced a joint effort to register as many as 2 million new voters as presidential candidates from both parties vie for their community's increasingly influential support. The $5-million nonpartisan voter registration effort, announced at a national Latino forum in downtown Los Angeles, comes amid an unprecedented campaign by community organizations and Spanish-language media to boost Latino civic participation -- and two new reports showing signs of success.The U.S. government last week reported that the number of Mexican immigrants who became citizens last year swelled by 50%, with hundreds of thousands more in line to process their naturalization applications

Latino groups are seeking to mobilize, register voters

LOS ANGELES — For years now, the metaphor that political strategists and commentators fall back on to describe the millions of Latino voters in the United States has been "the sleeping giant."

On Friday at the National Latino Congreso conference in downtown Los Angeles, no one uttered that phrase, except in attempts to debunk it.

"This is our moment," Angel Luevano, regional vice president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said at the outset of the three-day conference. "We are no longer a sleeping giant."

That's the hope, anyway, among the hundreds of conference delegates.

Most represent Latino political and civic groups such as LULAC, the Mexican American Political Association and the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund.


Nina Sky

Latino Point Man

Villaraigosa now in Obama's corner
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a former co-chairman of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign, energetically stumped for the New York senator until she was shown the door.Now, as one of the nation's most prominent Latino politicians, he has become the go-to guy for Barack Obama, the presumed Democratic nominee, on Latino issues.Villaraigosa is scheduled to introduce Obama when he speaks to Latino community and political leaders this afternoon in Washington, D.C. Obama invited the mayor to introduce him at the national convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens, better known as LULAC, where he will be a featured speaker.It's the second time this week that the Obama campaign has called on Villaraigosa to help in its aggressive outreach to Latino voters who favored Clinton in the primaries.When McCain went on the air with a Spanish-language radio ad that criticizes Obama for just discovering the importance of Latino voters, Villaraigosa fired back, praising Obama as a champion of Latinos.